The TH Arch system has quickly gained wide market acceptance by uniting high resistance to load along with dynamic behavior that is unseen in other arches in the industry. Due to its section type design, the TH Arch produces a relation of transversal and longitudinal force that is nearly one, which in turn means that it works evenly in any direction of support. The TH Arch systems are frequently used in European, North American, and Latin American markets.
• Civil works in general
• Development and mining projects
• Tunnel projects
• Split-offs
• Machine shops
• Adequate for any type of terrain
• Manganese-enriched steel guarantees better quality
• Equal stress resistance in all directions
• Fast and easy installation
• Dynamic system allows for improved energy absorption
• Adequate for large convergence areas
• Total functionality even in variable inclination areas
• Adaptable to any excavation
• Inverted curve if desired
• Can couple to other ground support systems