Product Catalog

Quality Products by Quality People
Proudly Made in the USA!


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Belt and Utility Hangers

Belt Hanger for Steel Sets, Utility Hangers, Belt Hangers, J-16, J-9, Rabbit Ear, and Angle

Catenary Bed Rails

Catenary Return Idlers

Catenary Spreader Bars

Available in Standard or Off-Set models.

Catenary System and Components

Complete Assembly includes Top Troughing Idler (2), Side Rail (2), Floor Stand, and Return Roller.

Conveyor Drop Brackets

Each of our Drop Brackets is designed to carry either the Small Hex head design or the Slotted Design for the Idler ends which gives more flexibility in our design!

Conveyor Products Catalog

Conveyor Return "Vee" Idler Assembly and Spreader Bars

Supply us with your needed belt width or the needed frame and we can design the correct spreader to meet your Conveyor needs. We offer bolt-on, quick lock, and pin lock spreader bars.

Conveyor Rigid Structure Components

Inline Impact Troughing Assembly

Inline Troughing Idler Assembly

J-Walk Crossover System

JENNMAR manufactures J-Walk crossover systems. These reusable crossover structures are designed and built with ladders and handrails for extra safety when traveling over conveyor belts.

JENNMAR Overcast Systems

JENNMAR Overcast Systems are designed to be modular reusable structures that are used in underground high-pressure situations to insure intake air is not contaminated with return air.

Returning Training Assembly

Rigid Bed Rails

Roof-Hung Complete Assembly

Top Training Assembly

Top Troughing Assemblies